Stipendium Hungaricum
What is Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program?
You can find detailed information here.
What kind of programmes are available at BME?
You can find all available programmes and their descriptions here.
How can I apply?
You need to submit your application to Tempus Public Foundation. For more information, please read Call for Applications.
If you are already a student at BME and you would like to apply for the scholarship: please contact your faculty in order to receive a recommendation letter from them which need to be submitted with the application to Tempus Public Foundation.
If you are already a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holder and you would like to transfer to BME or change faculty/training programme: please click here for further information.
After application:
If you will be admitted to BME you will receive all useful information from us by e-mail but you can also find some of them here below.