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Saturday, 15 February 2025   ·   3rd week of Spring term of academic year 2024/2025   ·   No opening hours today
Neptun operating time

00:00 – 04:00 operation

04:00 – 06:00 outage

06:00 – 24:00 operation

For extreme differences see the News.


It is BME’s database managing students’ personal, academic and financial data and the subjects and courses which they can study at BME.

Your initial login name in Neptun is the Student ID code sent in your letter of acceptance and your initial password includes your birthdate of the following format: NeYYYYMMDD. It is recommended to change your initial password.

If you forgot your password, click on the "Forgot password" button. After typing of your login name, an e-mail will be sent to the default email address to create a new password. In case of further login problems, you can request a password change in person at the CAO during office hours or contact Neptun Operations at


Please find details of using Neptun among

Neptun requests
Neptun guides